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Category: Clinical Rotation 3: Pediatrics

Site Evaluation Presentation Summary: Pediatrics, QHC

6 years ago

402 words

Site Evaluation Presentation Summary For my final site evaluation, I presented on a case of a 2-year-old male who came into the pediatric ER with his mother after ingesting rat poisoning one hour prior. My patient did not have any significant past medical history except for some eczema since birth and was not taking any…

Journal: Pediatrics, Meningococcal Vaccinations

6 years ago

262 words

Journal Article: Current safety issues with quadrivalent meningococcal conjugate vaccines   Reasoning: Patient received both the Menveo and Bexsero 10 days prior to coming into the ED Meningococcal vaccines are included in as part of routine vaccinations for people 11-18 years of age, and for those at increased risk of meningitis We wanted to determine…

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