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Category: Clinical Rotation 2: Family Medicine

Site Evaluation Presentation Summary: Family Medicine, Rego

6 years ago

454 words

For my final site evaluation, I presented on a case of a 55-year-old Caucasian male who was complaining of a rash on bilateral arms and legs and generalized bilateral foot pain that was localizing to the left heel, both for the past 2-3 months. Both of his complaints were of new onset. My patient did…

Journal: Family Medicine, Umbilical Hernias

6 years ago

468 words

Journal Article: Management of asymptomatic pediatric umbilical hernias: a systematic review   Reasoning: Patient never knew that she has an umbilical hernia until we diagnosed her with it during her visit Many infants are born with umbilical hernias or they can be acquired during adulthood, more often in females than in males Umbilical hernias may…

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