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Category: Clinical Rotation 1: Psychiatry

Self Reflection: Psychiatry, CPEP

6 years ago

580 words

Rotating at QHC’s psychiatry department was very eye opening. The whole approach to interviewing and counseling the psychiatric patient is completely different than how we interview patients with medical concerns. I learned that “eyeballing” the patient is very important – is the patient disheveled? Tearful? The general survey provides valuable insight on how we should…

Site Evaluation Presentation Summary: Psychiatry, CPEP

6 years ago

383 words

For my final site evaluation, I presented on a pediatrics case of a 13-year-old boy who had history of bipolar I disorder and ADHD. He was not adhering to his medications (Resperidone and Depakote) since they made him feel anxious. As such, he presented in a manic episode, throwing plates and apples at his mother…

Journal: Psychiatry, Bipolar Disorder

6 years ago

515 words

Emily Yeung Rotation 1: Psychiatry, CPEP Journal Article: Self-monitoring practices, attitudes, and needs of individuals with bipolar disorder: implications for the design of technologies to manage mental health   Reasoning: Patient enjoys playing on tablets and computers and is adept at using that technology Mother is exasperated and wants to be proactive. She wants to…

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